Tuesday 23 February 2016

My two little words . . .

I am sure many people have special words that mean so much, whether between friends, family or a word with meaning from a film like ‘Ditto’ from the movie ghost.

I am sure many know of the phrase ‘Actions speak louder than words’. For those close to me in distance, you would have received the heartfelt hug. For those that have sent me messages, you hopefully have received a reply!
But my actions can not be big enough to represent the words that I want to have more context than just letters on this page. My two little words that are so important to me are ‘THANK YOU!’.

I thank my friends that are on my Fundraising Committee that have helped with events, raffles and Surf Club BBQs. I thank the support of the local community and the local media that have shared my story. I thank friends and family who have shared and not just liked my FaceBook page to try and get my message out there. I thank the friends of friends and the strangers I don’t even know . . . and I thank my wonderful husband Jonas and my girls x

Other words that come to mind are grateful, blessed, humbled, overwhelmed, happy, tearful, lost, scared, tired . . . My travel date to Russia is fast approaching (26 June 2016) and these mix of words represent how I am feeling right now.

I’ve had a few people ask ways in which you can help, support and fundraise which we are so grateful for. With the treatment alone costing $45KUS dollars, we have a crazy target to meet and we need all the help we can get!
So IF anyone is keen, it does not need to be big, I have some suggestions!
  • Morning/high tea at home or work
  • Organise a red clothing day at work (official MS colour!)
  • Get all your friends to donate unwanted items and hold a garage sale
  • Crazy hair day at work
  • Girls night in/dinner party
  • Bare foot bowls day
  • Golf day
  • Even a donation tin at work!

It all adds up, makes a massive difference and we would be eternally grateful!

Any other suggestions are welcomed and you can email me via hopelovelive2016@gmail.com if you would like any advice or some posters done for your fundraising event.

The good news is that donations and activities have now reached just over A$32K! So a big THANK YOU to all that has made this happen!

Our next big bang fundraiser event is in the process of being organised. There will be dinner, live music, auction items, red balloon donations and loads of fun to be had. Please save the date Saturday 14 May 2016 in your calendar! The event will take place in the Kiama region, so for those living afar, we are trying to work on accommodation deals so you can come and visit and enjoy the weekend! More details to come via our Facebook page ‘Hope Love Live - HSCT - A mother's mission to halt her MS’.

Send me a message . . . add a comment . . . say hello . . . share your ideas – this is really emotionally rewarding, but also really hard at times and it is nice to know people are out there.

Hope. Love. Live.
Megan x

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